Thursday, 10 September 2015

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Dying for an iPhone: Italian translation of the book by Pun Ngai, Jenny Chan and Mark Seiden

Pun Ngai, Jenny Chan and Mark Selden. 2015. Morire per un iPhone. Translated in Italian by Ferruccio Gambino and Giorgio Grappi; edited by Ferruccio Gambino and Devi Sacchetto. Milan: Jaca Book.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Workers’ Guide to Health and Safety - reviewed by Kim Scipes

Todd Jailer, Miriam Lara-Meloy and Maggie Robbins. 2015. Workers’ Guide to Health and Safety,  Berkeley:  Hesperian Health Guides.

Review by Kim Scipes

Health and safety is about as boring a subject there is for most workers:  they don’t want to hear about this “crap,” they just want to get the job done.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Turkish edition of Ari Sitas The Ethic of Reconciliation ediited by Ercüment Çelik

Çelik, Ercüment (2015) (ed.). Barışma Etiği. İstanbul: Beyaz Baykuş Yayınları. (Extended Turkish edition of Sitas, Ari (2008). The Ethic of Reconciliation. Durban: Madiba Press; Turkish translation by Ercüment Çelik and Ali Tuzcu).