Thursday, 4 June 2015

Edited book by M. Dahlstedt and A. Neergaard on International Migration and Ethnic Relations

Magnus Dahlstedt, Anders Neergaard (eds.). 2015.International Migration and Ethnic Relations  Critical Perspectives, Routledge.

Each day, in so many aspects of daily life, we are reminded of the significance of migration and ethnicity. This book is a critical contribution to the understanding of the phenomena of migration and ethnicity, from a Swedish vantage point looking outwards towards a European context. It presents current academic debates and gives a theoretical overview of nine key concepts in the field of ethnic and migrations studies, but it also exemplifies how these concepts could be used in analysing specific empirical cases. It explores the following concepts: ethnicity; migration; diaspora; citizenship; intersectionality; racism; right wing populism; social exclusion; and informalisation. The book is interdisciplinary, embracing areas such as labour studies, economic history, ethnicity, business administration, gender studies, literature studies, economics, educational science, social anthropology, social work, sociology and political science.