Sunday, 3 May 2015

New book by A. Hodder and L. Kretsos on Young Workers and Trade Unions

A.Hodder, L.Kretsos (eds.) 2015. Young Workers and Trade Unions. A Global View. Palgrave.

In most cases young workers all over the world carry out low-paid, low-status and insecure work. As their position in the labour market becomes increasingly precarious, one may expect them to join unions to get more protection. Nevertheless most young workers remain disengaged from trade union activity and trade unions are struggling with the loss of members and an increasing ageing effect. Young Workers and Trade Unions provides an understanding of the processes in which unions engage with young people and the views and opinions young people hold relating to collective representation. One of the key strengths of the collection is the selection of specific national cases of high relevance to contemporary debates of precariousness, trade union revitalization strategies and austerity policies.
The book also includes the chapters by the RC44 Members.