Sunday, 24 June 2018

Labour in the Web of Life: the New Issue of Globalizations edited by N. Räthzel, D. Stevis & D. Uzzell

Nora Räthzel, Dimitris Stevis and David Uzzell (eds.) ‘Labour in the Web of Life’, Globalizations Special Issue 15(4).

This special issue of Globalizations (2018, 15, 4) is a contribution to environmental labour studies, which aims to investigate the practices and theories that integrate labour and nature, by focusing on labour environmentalism. Environmental labour studies can be a way of studying not only the intersections between social and environmental justice, climate change and working conditions but can also contribute to building a bridge between environmental theory and practice.

1. The labour-nature relationship: Varieties of labour environmentalism by Dimitris Stevis, David Uzzell, Nora Räthzel
2. US labour unions and green transitions: Depth, breadth and worker agency by Dimitris Stevis
3. Trade unions and climate politics: Prisoners of neoliberalism or swords of climate justice? by Paul Hampton
4. Working-class ecology and union politics: A conceptual topology by Stefania Barca, Emanuele Leonardi
5. Beyond the nature - labour divide: Trade union responses to climate change in South Africa by Nora Räthzel, Jacklyn Cock, David Uzzell
6. Beyond growth: New alliances for socio-ecological transformation in Austria by Michael Soder, Kathrin Niedermoser, Hendrik Theine
7. Greening transport in Sweden: The role of the organic intellectual in changing trade union climate change policy by Ragnar Lundström
8. A Just Transition? Theory meets practice and lessons from a coal region in Australia by Darryn Snell
9. Good work? Sustainable work and sustainable development: A critical gender perspective from the Global North by Beate Littig