Sunday, 24 June 2018

Industrial Relations in 21st Century Europe: a Special Issue of Employee Relations with the RC44 contributions edited by Holm-Detlev Köhler

Köhler, Holm-Detlev (ed.) (2018) Special Issue: Industrial relations in 21st century Europe, Employee Relations 40(4).
Table of content:

1. What future for industrial relations in Europe? By Richard Hyman (pp. 569 - 579)
2. Denmark: the long-lasting class compromise by Jens Lind, Herman Knudsen (pp. 580 - 599)
3. The establishing of a European industrial relations system: Still under construction or chasing a chimera? By Sergio González Begega, Mona Aranea (pp. 600 - 616)
4. Industrial relations in France: From the underdevelopment of collective bargaining to the failure of neocorporatist concertation by Udo Rehfeldt (pp. 617 - 633)
5. Seven decades of industrial relations in Germany: Stability and change through joint learning processes by Walther Müller-Jentsch (pp. 634 - 653)
6. Industrial relations in Italy in the twenty-first century by Valeria Pulignano, Domenico Carrieri, Lucio Baccaro (pp. 654 - 673)
7. Industrial relations in Poland: Historical background, institutional evolution and research trends by Jan Czarzasty, Adam Mrozowicki (pp. 674 - 691)
8. International actors and trade unions during postsocialism and after: the case of Romania by Dragoș Adăscăliței, Ștefan Guga (pp. 692 - 708)
9. Slovenia: neo-corporatism under the neo-liberal turn by Miroslav Stanojevic (pp. 709 - 724)
10. Industrial relations in Spain – strong conflicts, weak actors and fragmented institutions by Holm-Detlev Köhler (pp. 725 - 743)
11. Guest editorial. Industrial relations in twenty-first century Europe by Holm-Detlev Köhler (pp. 566 - 568)