Edward Webster and Karin Pampallis (2017) The Unresolved National Question: Left Thought Under Apartheid, Wits University Press.
New Book: The Unresolved National Question: Left Thought Under Apartheid, edited by Edward Webster and Karin Pampallis, published by Wits University Press. This edited collection examines the way in which various strands of left thought have addressed the National Question under apartheid, and how those strands are relevant to the continued search for a united and prosperous South Africa today. It includes three chapters on the labour movement by three leading left intllectuals: one by Alec Erwin, the architect of workerism in the Federation of South African Trade Unions (FOSATU), one by the late Martin Legassick, the leading intellectual in the Trotskyist grouping, the Marxist Workers Tendency of the African National Congress, and the third on syndicalism in FOSATU co-authored by Lucien van der Walt and colleagues from Rhodes University. In the context of on-going unrest in South Africa, this collection of essays is a timely intervention into debates on the decolonisation of South African society.
See also the Wits University Press website for more information about the book: