Saturday, 5 November 2016

Challenging Corporate Capital: the edited booklet by A.Bieler, R. O'Brien and K. Pampallis

Bieler, Andreas, Robert O’Brien and Karin Pampallis (eds.) (2016) Challenging Corporate Capital: Creating an Alternative to Neo-liberalism. Johannesburg: Chris Hani Institute.

The Southern Initiative on Globalisation and Trade Union Rights (SIGTUR) launched its Futures Commission in Johannesburg, South Africa, in June 2013 with the assistance of the Chris Hani Instituteand the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s regional office for Southern Africa. This Commission, a group of left-wing intellectuals and trade union representatives, was entrusted with the task of undertaking first steps towards developing concrete alternatives to neo-liberal globalisation.
As a first step, the Futures Commission has now published the booklet Challenging Corporate Capital: Creating an Alternative to Neo-liberalism. It includes proposals for labour and tax justice, a fair trade regime, a democracy-driven, public sector transformation as well as a response to the climate crisis.
More information about the book available at Andreas Bieler's blog.