Choudry, Aziz and Dip Kapoor (eds) (2013) NGOization: Complicity, Contradictions and Prospects. London: Zed Books.

Table of Contents
Preface: Sangeeta Kamat
Introduction. NGOization: Complicity,
Contradictions and Prospects
Aziz Choudry & Dip Kapoor
Aziz Choudry & Dip Kapoor
1. Saving Biodiversity, for Whom and for What?
Conservation NGOs, Complicity, Colonialism and Conquest in an Era of Capitalist
Aziz Choudry
Aziz Choudry
2. Social Action and NGOization in Contexts of
Development Dispossession in Rural India: Explorations into the Un-civility of
Civil Society
Dip Kapoor
Dip Kapoor
3. NGOs, Indigenous Peoples and the United
Sharon H. Venne
Sharon H. Venne
4. From Radical Movement to Conservative NGO
and Back Again? A Case Study of the Democratic Left Front (DLF) in South Africa
Luke Sinwell
Luke Sinwell
5. Philippine NGOs: Defusing Dissent, Spurring
Sonny Africa
Sonny Africa
6. Disaster Relief, NGO-led Humanitarianism and
the Reconfiguration of Spatial Relations in Tamil Nadu
Raja Swamy
Raja Swamy
7. Peace-Building and Violence Against Women:
Tracking the Ruling Relations of Aid in a Women's Development NGO in Kyrgyzstan
Elena Kim & Marie Campbell
Elena Kim & Marie Campbell
8. Alignment and Autonomy: Food Systems in
Brewster Kneen
Brewster Kneen
9. Seven Theses on Neobalkanism and NGOization
in Transitional Serbia
Tamara Vukov
Tamara Vukov
About the Authors:
Aziz Choudry is Assistant Professor in the Department of Education, McGill University, Canada.Dip Kapoor is Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta, Canada.