Friday, 8 October 2021

Nora Räthzel, Dimitris Stevis and David Uzzell, eds (2021) The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Labour Studies

Räthzel, Nora, Dimitris Stevis and David Uzzell, eds. 2021. The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Labour Studies. Palgrave Macmillan.

In this comprehensive Handbook, scholars from across the globe explore the relationships between workers and nature in the context of the environmental crises. They provide an invaluable overview of a fast-growing research field that bridges the social and natural sciences. Chapters provide detailed perspectives of environmental labour studies, environmental struggles of workers, indigenous peoples, farmers and commoners in the Global South and North. The relations within and between organisations that hinder or promote environmental strategies are analysed, including the relations between workers and environmental organisations, NGOs, feminist and community movements.

Nora Räthzel is Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Umeå (Sweden). Her main research areas are environmental labour studies, transnational corporations and gender and ethnic relations in the everyday. Publications include:  Marxist-Feminists Theories and Struggles Today with Khayaat Fakier and Diana Mulinari (eds.); Transnational Corporations from the Standpoint of Workers with Diana Mulinari and Aina Tollefsen; Trade Unions in the Green Economy. Working for the Environment (with David Uzzell, eds.).

Dimitris Stevis is Professor of Politics at Colorado State University (USA). His research focuses on global labour and environmental politics, with particular attention to labour environmentalism and social and ecological justice. He is a founder of the Center for Environmental Justice and recently published (with Dunja Krause and Edouard Morena) Just Transitions: Social Justice in the Shift Towards a Low-Carbon World (Pluto Press 2020).

David Uzzell is Professor Emeritus of Environmental Psychology at the University of Surrey and Visiting Professor, Grupo de Investigación Persoa-Ambiente, University of A Coruna, Spain. His research interests include critical psychological approaches to changing consumption and production practices. He edited (with Nora Räthzel) Trade Unions in the Green Economy: Working for the Environment (Routledge, 2013).

Saturday, 31 July 2021

Andreas Bieler 2021 Fighting for Water (Zed Books)

Bieler, Andreas. 2021. Fighting for Water: Resisting Privatization in Europe. London: Zed Books.

Chapter 1 – Resisting water privatisation: An introduction.
Chapter 2 – Capitalism's relentless thirst for accumulation
Chapter 3 – Mobilising from below: the victory in the Italian water referendum
Chapter 4 – Water is a Human Right: The first European Citizens' Initiative over public water
Chapter 5 – Contesting the Troika: resistance in Greece against imposed water privatisation
Chapter 6 – 'We will strike, we will fight, water is a human right': The Irish people rise up
Chapter 7 – Transforming capitalism towards the commons?

Monday, 31 May 2021

Ross Fergusson and Nicola Yeates (2021) Global Youth Unemployment History

Fergusson, Ross and Nicola Yeates. 2021. Global Youth Unemployment History, Governance and Policy. Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Global Youth Unemployment

History, Governance and Policy

Ross Fergusson, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy and Nicola Yeates, Professor of Social Policy, The Open University, UK
Publication Date: 2021 ISBN: 978 1 78990 041 5 Extent: 296 pp

This timely book introduces a fresh perspective on youth unemployment by analysing it as a global phenomenon. Ross Fergusson and Nicola Yeates argue that only by incorporating analysis of the dynamics of the global economy and global governance can we make convincing, comprehensive sense of these developments. The authors present substantial new evidence spanning a century pointing to the strong relationships between youth unemployment, globalisation, economic crises and consequent harms to young people’s social and economic welfare worldwide. The book notably encompasses data and analysis spanning the Global South as well as the Global North.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19, Vols 1 & 2 (ed Glenn W. Muschert, Kristen M. Budd, David C. Lane and Jason A. Smith)

Dolgon, Corey W. 2020. “President Welcome.” Pp. vii-x in Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19, Volume 1: US Perspectives, edited by Glenn W. Muschert, Kristen M. Budd, David C. Lane and Jason A. Smith. Bristol: Bristol University Press & Policy Press.


Dolgon, Corey W. 2020. “President Welcome.” Pp. vii-xi in Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19, Volume 2: Global Perspectives, edited by Glenn W. Muschert, Kristen M. Budd, David C. Lane and Jason A. Smith. Bristol: Bristol University Press & Policy Press.