Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Schierup, Likic-Brboric, Wise and Toksöz (eds., 2019) Migration, Civil Society and Global Governance

Schierup, Branka Likic-Brboric, Raúl Delgado Wise and Gülay Toksöz, eds.  2019. Migration, Civil Society and Global Governance. London: Routledge. 

Migration, Civil Society and Global Governance: 1st Edition (Hardback) book cover


How do the United Nations, international organizations, governments, corporate actors and a wide variety of civil society organizations and regional and global trade unions perceive the root causes of migration, global inequality and options for sustainable development? This is one of the most pertinent political questions of the 21st century.
This comprehensive collection examines the development of an emerging global governance on migration with the focus on spaces, roles, strategies and alliance-making of a composite transnational civil society engaged in issues of rights and the protection of migrants and their families. It reveals the need to strengthen networking and convergence among movements that adopt different entry points to the same struggle, from fighting ‘managed’ migration to contesting corporate control of food and land. The authors examine the opportunities and challenges faced by civil society in its endeavour to promote a rights-based approach within international and intergovernmental fora engaged in setting up a global compact for the management of migration, such as the Global Forum for Migration and Development, and in other global policy spaces.
URL: https://www.routledge.com/Migration-Civil-Society-and-Global-Governance-1st-Edition/Schierup-Likic-Brboric-Wise-Toksoz/p/book/9780367147266

Morena, Krause and Stevis (eds, 2020) Just Transitions: Social Justice in the Shift Towards a Low-Carbon World

Morena, Edouard, Dunja Krause and Dimitris Stevis, eds. 2020. Just Transitions: Social Justice in the Shift Towards a Low-Carbon World. London: Pluto Press.
Just Transitions

In the field of 'climate change', no terrain goes uncontested. The terminological tug of war between activists and corporations, scientists and governments, has seen radical notions of 'sustainability' emptied of urgency and subordinated to the interests of capital. 'Just Transition' is the latest such battleground, and the conceptual keystone of the post-COP21 climate policy world. But what does it really mean?

Just Transition emerged as a framework developed within the trade union movement to encompass a range of social interventions needed to secure workers' and frontline communities' jobs and livelihoods as economies shift to sustainable production. Just Transitions draws on a range of perspectives from the global North and South to interrogate the overlaps, synergies and tensions between various understandings of the Just Transition approach. As the concept is entering the mainstream, has it lost its radical edge, and if so, can it be recovered?

Written by academics and activists from around the globe, this unique edited collection is the first book entirely devoted to Just Transition.

Lee, Ng and Landbury (eds, 2020) Trade Unions and Labour Movements in the Asia-Pacific Region

Lee, Byoung-Hoon, Ng Sek-hong and Russell D. Lansbury, eds. 2020. Trade Unions and Labour Movements in the Asia-Pacific Region. London: Routledge.

Trade Unions and Labour Movements in the Asia-Pacific Region: 1st Edition (Hardback) book cover


Recent developments in the world economy, including deindustrialisation
and the digital revolution, have led to an increasingly individualistic relationship
between workers and employers, which in turn has weakened labour
movements and worker representation. However, this process is not
universal, including in some countries of Asia, where trade unions are
closely aligned with the interests of the dominant political party and the
state. This book considers the many challenges facing trade unions and
worker representation in a wide range of Asian countries. For each country,
full background is given on how trade unions and other forms of worker
representation have arisen. Key questions then considered include the challenges
facing trade unions and worker representation in each country, the
extent to which these are a result of global or local developments and the
actions being taken by trade unions and worker representative bodies to
cope with the challenges.