Wednesday 31 May 2023

Pablo Pérez Ahumada (2023) Building Power to Shape Labor Policy

Pérez Ahumada, Pablo. 2023. Building Power to Shape Labor Policy: Unions, Employer Associations, and Reform in Neoliberal Chile. Pittsburgh, PA: The University of Pittsburgh Press.

During Chile’s shift to neoliberalism, the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet passed a swath of probusiness labor legislation. Subsequent labor reforms by democratically elected progressive administrations have sought to shift power back to workers, but this task has proven difficult. In Building Power to Shape Labor Policy, Pablo Pérez Ahumada explains why. Focusing on reforms to collective labor law, Pérez Ahumada argues that analyzing how both workers and employers mobilize power to influence government policies is crucial for understanding labor reform outcomes. He examines the relational character of power to explain how different types of power—structural, institutional, associational—interact with each other, and proposes a relational understanding of power and how it is balanced among competing social classes. While workers and employers both have a hand in shaping labor law, their influence is not equal. Analysis of recent events in Chile reveals how the balance of power and the lingering effects of neoliberalism manifest in labor reform.

Donald Cohen and Allen Mikaelian (2023) The Privatization of Everything

Cohen, Donald and Allen Mikaelian. 2023. The Privatization of Everything: How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed America and How We Can Fight Back. New York: The New Press.

The book the American Prospect calls “an essential resource for future reformers on how not to govern,” by America’s leading defender of the public interest and a bestselling historian

“An essential read for those who want to fight the assault on public goods and the commons.” —Naomi Klein

A sweeping exposé of the ways in which private interests strip public goods of their power and diminish democracy, the hardcover edition of The Privatization of Everything elicited a wide spectrum of praise: Kirkus Reviews hailed it as “a strong, economics-based argument for restoring the boundaries between public goods and private gains,” Literary Hub featured the book on a Best Nonfiction list, calling it “a far-reaching, comprehensible, and necessary book,” and Publishers Weekly dubbed it a “persuasive takedown of the idea that the private sector knows best.”

From Diane Ravitch (“an important new book about the dangers of privatization”) to Heather McGhee (“a well-researched call to action”), the rave reviews mirror the expansive nature of the book itself, covering the impact of privatization on every aspect of our lives, from water and trash collection to the justice system and the military. Cohen and Mikaelian also demonstrate how citizens can—and are—wresting back what is ours: A Montana city took back its water infrastructure after finding that they could do it better and cheaper. Colorado towns fought back well-funded campaigns to preserve telecom monopolies and hamstring public broadband. A motivated lawyer fought all the way to the Supreme Court after the state of Georgia erected privatized paywalls around its legal code.

“Enlightening and sobering” (Rosanne Cash), The Privatization of Everything connects the dots across a wide range of issues and offers what Cash calls “a progressive voice with a firm eye on justice [that] can carefully parse out complex issues for those of us who take pride in citizenship.”

Sunday 30 April 2023

A Questão Chinesa [The China Question] 2022 (São Paulo, Brazil: Contrabando Editorial)

Themed collection (translated into Portuguese)

A Questão Chinesa [The China Question].

2022. São Paulo, Brazil: Contrabando Editorial.

Authors (in alphabetical order): AU Loong-yu, Jenny CHAN, Sophia CHAN, JN CHIEN, Yige DONG, Eli FRIEDMAN, Irene Maestro GUIMARÃES, Ching Kwan LEE, Leo Vinicius LIBERATO, PUN Ngai, Ashley SMITH, Richard SMITH, Ellie TSE, ZHUANG Liehong

ISBN #978-65-997188-1-6

The China Question

Over the last century, China has been a place of recurrent social upheaval. From the combative anti-colonial general strikes of 1925-1927 to the mass mobilization of peasants in the 1930s and 1940s, including the upheavals of the Cultural Revolution and the student and workers' democracy movements of the 1980s, the Chinese people have repeatedly engaged in struggles against material inequalities and political oppression. However, since the violent crackdown on the democracy movement in Tiananmen Square in 1989, many people in China, as well as internationally, have come to believe that decades of rapid economic growth have stifled social resistance. This could not be further from the truth: although the Communist Party was successful in extinguishing sustainable political opposition...

The chapters of this book bring enlightening and radical views about these movements. China is indeed a complex society, and connecting to its social struggles is quite difficult for foreigners. However, this volume highlights the commonality of struggles around the world against class exploitation, racial and ethnic hierarchy, and gender oppression. Although these movements take different forms in China and in the Americas or Europe, they are simultaneously linked by the global system of capitalism. The entire working class and oppressed peoples can and must be united in the struggle for an expansion of radical democracy and in opposition to capitalist expropriation and exploitation. In the chapters that follow, we'll look at the heroism, successes, as well as failures of China's experiments.


Contrabando Editorial

Rua Itapeva, 490, Conjunto 38
Bixiga, Bela Vista
São Paulo



Nov 2022

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Saturday 31 December 2022

Eileen Boris, Heidi Gottfried, Julie Greene and Joo-Cheong Tham, eds. (2023) Global Labor Migration

Boris, Eileen, Heidi Gottfried, Julie Greene and Joo-Cheong Tham, eds. 2023. Global Labor Migration: New Directions. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Eileen Boris (Editor, Contributor), Heidi Gottfried (Editor, Contributor), Julie Greene (Editor, Contributor), Joo-Cheong Tham (Editor, Contributor)

Bridget Anderson (Contributor), Rutvica Andrijasevic (Contributor), Katie Bales (Contributor), Jenny Chan (Contributor), Penelope Ciancanelli (Contributor), Felipe Barradas Correia Castro Bastos (Contributor), Charlie Fanning (Contributor), Judy Fudge (Contributor), Jorge L Giovannetti-Torres (Contributor), Justin Jackson (Contributor), Radhika Natarajan (Contributor), Pun Ngai (Contributor), Bastiaan Nugteren (Contributor), Nicola Piper (Contributor), Jessica R Pliley (Contributor), Devi Sacchetto (Contributor), Helen Sampson (Contributor), Yael Schacher (Contributor), Matt Withers (Contributor)

Friday 30 September 2022

The Migration-Development Regime (Rina Agarwala)

The Migration-Development Regime

How Class Shapes Indian Emigration

Rina Agarwala 

Modern South Asia

  • Offers a novel framework with which to analyze international migration, namely the "Migration Development Regime" or MDR
  • Provides a sociological analysis that compares sending states' use of both poor and elite emigrants
  • Compiles and draws on extremely unique unpublished data, including over 200 interviews, the first data base of over 600 Indian-American transnational organizations, and archives of Indian government documents from 1920-present

We the Elites (Robert Ovetz)

We the Elites

Why the US Constitution Serves the Few

by Robert Ovetz

A new, radical reading of the US constitution.

Written by 55 of the richest white men, and signed by only 39 of them, the US constitution is the sacred text of American nationalism. Popular perceptions of it are mired in idolatry, myth and misinformation - many Americans have opinions on the constitution but have little idea what it says.

This book examines the constitution for what it is – a rulebook for elites to protect capitalism from democracy. Social movements have misplaced faith in the constitution as a tool for achieving justice when it actually impedes social change through the many roadblocks and obstructions we call 'checks and balances'. This stymies urgent progress on issues like labour rights, poverty, public health and climate change, propelling the American people and rest of the world towards destruction.

Robert Ovetz's reading of the constitution shows that the system isn't broken. Far from it. It works as it was designed to.

Thursday 30 June 2022

Proletarian China (edited by Ivan Franceschini and Christian Sorace 2022)

Franceschini, Ivan and Christian Sorace, eds. 2022. Proletarian China: A Century of Chinese Labour. New York: Verso Books. [download].

*Contributors: Corey Byrnes, Craig A. Smith, Xu Guoqi, Zhou Ruixue, Lin Chun, Elizabeth J. Perry, Tony Saich, Wang Kan, Gail Hershatter, Apo Leong, S.A. Smith, Alexander F. Day, Yige Dong, Seung-Joon Lee, Lu Yan, Joshua Howard, Bo Ærenlund Sørensen, Brian DeMare, Emily Honig, Po-chien Chen, Yi-hung Liu, Jake Werner, Malcolm Thompson, Robert Cliver, Mark W. Frazier, John Williams, Christian Sorace, Zhu Ruiyi, Ivan Franceschini, Chen Feng, Ben Kindler, Jane Hayward, Tim Wright, Koji Hirata, Jacob Eyferth, Aminda Smith, Fabio Lanza, Ralph Litzinger, J onathan Unger, Covell F. Meyskens, Maggie Clinton, Patricia M. Thornton, Ray Yep, Andrea Piazzaroli Longobardi, Joel Andreas, Matt Galway, Michel Bonnin, A.C. Baecker, Mary Ann O’Donnell, Tiantian Zheng, Jeanne L. Wilson, Ming-sho Ho, Yueran Zhang, Anita Chan, Sarah Biddulph, Jude Howell, William Hurst, Dorothy J. Solinger, Ching Kwan Lee, Chloé Froissart, Mary Gallagher, Eric Florence, Junxi Qian, Chris King-chi Chan, Elaine Sio-Ieng Hui, Jenny Chan, Eli Friedman, Aaron Halegua, Wanning Sun, Marc Blecher, Huang Yu, Manfred Elfstrom, Darren Byler, Carlos Rojas, Chen Qiufan.